Case Study: Metropolitan Interfaith Association (MIFA)

Year-End Ask Video

The Results

That piece, created from event audio, has since been used countless times by MIFA as an evergreen piece as well as received an Emmy nomination.

“We go back to the video again and again as a way to define to new audiences what we do...we find ourselves pulling it up again and again when we really need to make an impact on an audience. And it definitely does that.”

Ellen Whitten, Director of Impact & Communications, MIFA

“That wouldn’t have happened without you coming and saying “Hey, I think I have this idea.” We didn’t even know we needed it.”

Anna Kathryn Word, Chief Development Officer, MIFA

The Project

When our Owner and Principal Storyteller, Lauren, attended MIFA’s Our City, Our Story event, she heard a speech given by Dr. Roz Nichols that inspired her. She took Dr. Nichols’ powerful words and paired them with footage we’ve filmed with MIFA over the years.